Hard work and passion are the true keys to success
Francesco and Rosa Leonetti set this example. My parents worked with the same inspiration and dedication to have a better and more prosperous life. My sister and I were the lucky benefactors to see firsthand this discipline and sacrifice. Some think that second generation winemakers have it easy. I think it is much more difficult as I have assimilated my forefather’s spirit of relentless improvement and the seeking of new opportunities. We work tirelessly to continue to improve on a defined “classic” that my parents have created. It is through our work that you will be witness to new and exciting opportunities that my generation will employ to continue the longevity of Leonetti for many generations after me.
~ Chris Figgins
Gary & Nancy Figgins
Gary is widely recognized as the founding father of the Walla Walla Valley wine industry. He, along with his wife, Nancy, have created world class wines of true distinction and recognition for over 40 years. Gary’s first entrance into the wine industry started by planting an acre of Cabernet and a small amount of Riesling, with the help of his uncles, Bill & George Leonetti, on a hillside above the original 1906 Leonetti homestead. Gary is completely self-educated in the art of wine making and grape growing. Nancy had to learn how to create and operate a thriving business from its humble beginnings while raising two children. Gary and Nancy have passed on day-to-day business operations and winemaking responsibilities to their children, Chris and Amy, but continue to be actively involved in Leonetti and several vineyard projects across the Valley. Their passion for developing the wine industry and education in Walla Walla continues, as they were instrumental in developing the WWCC Center for Enology and Viticulture.